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Tom's Sporthütte
Tom's Sporthütte
Tom's Sporthütte

Useful shop information

Tschatscha 664, 6555 Kappl

Opening hours

Season from 16/11/2024 to 5/4/2025

Sunday - Thursday 08:30-11:30 14:30-18:00

Friday 08:30-11:30 14:30-19:00

Saturday 08:00-19:00

You can pick up your equipment in the shop one day prior to your first rental day after 15:30. Night skiing excluded.

Shop benefits


Damage & theft protection

SNOWGUARANTY - is a protection that helps you in case of damage or theft of the equipment. Its average cost is only 2 to 3% of the price of a new equipment. It is impossible to find a better option. If you would manage to find a better in the resort, we would give you the refund of the difference.

Change material

Change of material: You can change the ski material for free 1 time, after two days of rental in the same booked material category, when it is possible.

Best prices guaranteed for Tom's Sporthütte by making an online booking